Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Preparations for Woolfest

On leave from work now, preparing for my big trek North.

Luckily I can stay at my Mum's overnight otherwise it would be a 400 mile drive from A to B. Something I just don't relish the thought of.

Looking forward to increasing my fleece stash, picking up some wool combs and generally checking out what's on offer. There's a large list of exhibitors, so there should be plenty to see.


The weather has been a tad cooler lately and we had rain yesterday, but it looks like a dry one on the Island this morning. I have a Guild meeting tonight, so I need to get something up together for 'show and tell' and also take a project to work on. I'm still spinning away on my second spindle so I have enough yarn to attempt my first spindle-plying which should be interesting to say the least.

My wheel is still in the box wrapped up in its parts. I really must get the pieces waxed and find it a permanent home for when I eventually build it. So much to do, so little time!

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