Thursday, October 19, 2006

Knitting and Stitching - after the event

Finally taken some pics of my makes and purchases at Ally Pally last Thursday.

It was a very tiring day after being up at 03:30 to catch an early ferry. Luckily it wasn't foggy, so the trip went like a dream, apart for the broken heating on the coach....Brrrrrr!

Visiting the first day of the Show, for the first time - hmmmm - on reflection I wouldn't do this again. Too many teething troubles and hold-ups. I prefer attending at the weekend.

I got a big shock walking through the Foyer on the way to the Exhibition Halls and seeing this piece of my work on the wall. Didn't have my camera with me though.

It was part of the display for the competition run by Hipknits that I entered back in the Summer. I'd forgotten all about it!

Which reminds me that I have another competition entry to complete for the Embroiderer's Guild before the end of November..... must get myself organised. My diary is chock-a-block with things to do. If only there was a fairy out there to pay the bills while I stayed at home and got on with my creativity. Work gets in the way such a lot!

The workshop with Ursula Schmidt-Troschke - Marbling on Cotton, was good after a shaky start. The organisers had only given her access to the room 30 mins before the start, so that ate into our time somewhat while she finished setting up. Here are the 5 pieces of fabric that I produced.....

I was rather restrained in my purchases this year. I bought this dyed fibre for felting or spinning from Piiku a couple of Finnish ladies. They also did prepared roving, but I wanted to leave my options open.

I bought these tiny knots of space-dyed tussah silk from a silk lady - can't remember her details.

I also bought some little bits and bobs from The Handweavers Studio some little knots of dyed merino for felting, and some silk and sparkly fibres.

A trawl of the bookshops at the Show and in the West End drew a blank on Gill Harris's new felt book - my order at Amazon is still awaiting stock, so I'm not sure what the problem is on availability. I'm eager to make plans for some felted Christmas gifts and get going, otherwise time is going to run out pretty swiftly.

UPDATE: From the Publisher's website I've discovered that the publication date for this book has slipped to 26th October 2006. 7 weeks later than first announced. No wonder neither I nor Amazon can find it anywhere.


Some ladies from the Guild are planning a whole weekend of spinning, fibre prep etc for Beginners near the end of November. Not sure if I can give up a whole weekend at the moment. I'll have to see how I get on with everything else, and if I can afford the cost.

From rattling around having nothing much to do at the beginning of the year, I seem to have gone to the other extreme and am now overwhelmed with classes, study, knitting, meetings, tutorials...... it's all go! No time to be bored.

1 comment:

Artis-Anne said...

That must have been a surprise seeing your work , congrats :) Love your purchases especialy the silk and I think your marbled fabric is just fab.