Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Knitting & Stitching Show - Ally Pally

I am off to the show this week, and for a change I am going on the first day, Thursday.

I have always gone on the Sunday in the past, so I thought it'd make a change to see what it's like on 'opening day'. My guess is that it could be manic from the perspective of stallholders, but quieter from the perspective of the public as it's a work day. But I could be very wrong......

I'm booked onto just one workshop this year through the Learning Curve:

A practical lesson to show you how easy it is to marble on cotton.

I quite fancied this other course, but was late booking it up, and it was full.

DI GILPIN PRESENTS - Freeform Design in Knitting
Explore freeform knitting, a style Di has developed over the last few years. Working in single colour, with texture and form we will explore ideas in an ‘organic’ way. Needs knowledge of different stitches including cabling. Bring photo of a natural form eg tree bark, rock, water.

In the past I've done Indigo Dyeing, Slashing with Grids and Beads, and some of the quick knitting workshops. They've all been really enjoyable, so if you've never done one - perhaps next year - have a go.

I'll be leaving the Island at silly o'clock on Thursday morning, so here's hoping I can kip on the coach both ways. I'm aiming to get the show polished off in good time, and then head to Oxford Street later to check out all of the book shops, John Lewis and Liberty. I'm sure with 11 hours in London I'll just about manage it.

1 comment:

Artis-Anne said...

Hi Jan
Thanks for the post on my blog ; now where oh where has that Mojo gone ;-). I think at times we try and stuff too many crafts and get worn out LOL I know I can't find enough hours in the day and yes living so close to Colinette is likely to bankrupt me !!! We are off there on Thursday, God help me ; I have said I am ONLY getting some yarn to match what I am making BUT we will see.
OH , oh and let us know how you got on at AP ; love the hats :)