Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Long time no blog!

I can't quite believe that I haven't posted to the blog for nearly a month.

Work has been fraught, and lot of things have been happening healthwise too. Turns out I have numerous food intolernaces after being tested. So now I'm trying to get well and avoid the excesses of Christmas with all of its dairy, eggs, nuts and yeast!

On the creative front, a lot of things have gone by the wayside in my plans for Christmas makes. I still have my sister's felted bag to make, and I've so far made part of the clasp and some pre-felt for the poppy on the front. My kidsilk crocheted stole has been moved to become a birthday present for my Mum next year.

Happily I am nearly sorted with all of my Christmas shopping, so I can avoid the last minute Christmas crush in the shops. Cards are mostly posted, and gifts need wrapping. I try and leave that until the last minute, as it really makes me feel Christmassy.


The Guild Christmas lunch was last Saturday. I was worried that I'd find myself with little choice on my new restrictive eating regime, but the spread was fabulous. Everyone brought things in - quiches, terrines, cooked meats, and the variety of salads were stunning. Puddings were a bit trickier for me, but there was a large fruit jelly and chopped fruit platter. I ate like a queen!

There was a competition for the best handspun/felted mask. I took some pics on my other camera, and when I get the lead sorted I'll post the evidence. The mask I voted for won. It was a geisha face on a handwoven twig frame, with skein hair and knitting needles. Sounds bizarre, but looked fab!


Currently on the needles is a Colinette cardigan in Tagliatelli. I'm almost finished, and near to the dreaded bit I hate - sewing up!

On my wheel, I'm spinning up some 'black' Shetland tops. They actually come up a lovely deep chocolate brown. After my hundreds of metres of cream Shetland laceweight, I'm now trying to make more chunky fibre again, so I'm going for an aran-weight.

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